2783 Martin Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
9891 Montgomery, Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
2324 Stanley Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Local Technicians equal Great Service!!
Vodavi DHS-DHSE Business Telephone Systems
Vodavi Digital Starplus
Vodavi Digital Starplus
This manual provides the information necessary to
program, install, operate and maintain the
STARPLUS 1224 Key Telephone System.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
has established rules which allow the direct connection
of the STARPLUS 1224 Key Telephone
System to the telephone network. Certain actions
must be undertaken or understood before the connection
of customer provided equipment is completed.
Before connecting the STARPLUS 1224 Key
Telephone System to the telephone ne@ork, the
local serving telephone company must be given
advance notice of intention to use customer
provided equipment (CPE) and provided with the
following information:
1. The telephone numbers to be connected to
the system.
2. The FCC Registration Number located on the
Key Service Unit (KSU): DLP82V19889-MF-E*
3. The Ringer Equivalence Number also located
on the KSU: 0.56
4. The USOC jack required for direct interconnection
with the telephone network: RJ21 X
5. The 1224EX KSU is UL listed, file number
*NOE: If no key telephones are programmed to
have a pooled group button FCC# DLP82V19891-
KF-E may be used.
If the telephone company determines that the customer
provided equipment (CPE) is faulty and possibly
causing harm or interruption to the telephone
network, it should be disconnected until repair can
be made. If this is not done, the telephone company
may temporarily disconnect service.
The local telephone company may make changes
In its communications facilities or procedures.
If these changes should affect the use of
the 1224 or compatibility with the network, the
telephone company must given written notice
to the user to allow uninterrupted service.
Maintenance on the 1224 Key Telephone System
is to be performed only by the manufacturer
or its authorized agent. The user may not make
any changes and/or repairs except as specificolly
noted in this manual. If unauthorized alterations
or repairs are performed, any
re:z-‘aining warranty may be voided.
The 1224 Key Telephone complies with rules
regarding radiation and radio frequency emissions
by Class A computing devices. In accordance
with FCC Standard 15 (Subpart J) the
following information must be supplied to the
end user: 4
‘WARNING: Vodavi Digital Starplus
This equipment generates and uses R.F. energy
and if not installed and used in accordance
with the instruction Manual, it may cause interference
to radio communications. It has been
tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class C computing device, pursuant to Subpart
J of Part 15 of the FCC Rules, which are
designed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference, when operated in a
commercial environment.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area
Is likely to cause interference, in which case the
user, at his own expense, will be required to take
whatever measures may be required to correct
the interference.”
The 1224 Key Telephone is Hearing Aid compatible
as defined in Section 68.316 of Part.68
FCC Rules.
Department of Communications (DOC)
Certification Number: 676 2581A
Load Number: 16
Ancillary Equipment Number: CA21A
File Number: LB57228
3 Vodavi Digital Starplus
The Canadian Department of Communications
label identifies certified equipment. This certification
means that the equipment meets certain
telecommunications network protective, operationai
and safety requirements. The Department
does not guarantee the equipment will operate to
the user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment,
users should ensure that it is permissible to
be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications
company. The equipment must also
be installed using an acceptable method of connection.
in some cases, the company’s inside
wiring associated with single line indiviiual service
may be extended by means of a certffied connector
assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer
should be aware that compfhnce with the
above condition may not prevent degradation of
service in some situations.
NOTE: The Load Number (IN) assigned to
each terminal device denotes the percentage of
the total load to be connected to a telephone
loop which is used by the device to prevent
overloading. The termination on a loop may
consist of any combination of devices subject
only to the requirement that the total of the load
numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made
by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility
designated by the supplier.
Any repairs or alterations made by the’user to
this equipment, or equipment malfunctions,
may give the telecommunications company
cause to request the user to disconnect the
Users should ensure for their own protection
that the electrical ground connections of the
power utility, telephone lines and internal metaflit
water pipe system, if present, are connected
together. This precaution may be particularly
important in rural areas.
CAUTION: Users should not attempt to make
such connections themselves, but should contact
the appropriate electric inspection authority
or electrician, as appropriate.
JULY 1989 l-2
^ Vodavi Digital Starplus
., .
There are 4 contacts which may be indiviiualiy
programmed as either A-lead indication (to contrd
ancillary equipment) or Loud Bell Contrd. When
programmed as A-Lead indication &assigned to a
CO line, the corresponding contact will dose
whenever that CO line is accessed by a station.
ACCOUNT CODES Vodavi Digital Starplus
AUTOMATIC SELECTION Vodavi Digital Starplus
The us8r can select an outside line, intercom
station or speed diai button or dtai a feature &
automatically plaC8 the phone in the dialing
mode without pressing the ON/OFF button or
lifting th8 hand&.
Account codes can be entered by the user during
a call; this Cod8 can be used with SMDR information
for billing purposes. it can be 8 digits in
If a ftash is programmed into syst8m and station
speed diai numbers, and last number red&l
numbers, a pause will automatically be inserted
after the flash. A pause will aiso be automatically
inserted after a PBX dialing code has been
used & after a. pulse to tone switchover is
programmed into speed diai numbers.
The system can recognize either an open or dosed
loop from an extemai rday and transmit an aiarm
signai. This signal can be sent to all programmed
stations with either a single or repeated tone. The
type of alarm tone is selected in system programming.
Vodavi Digital Starplus
This feature can be used as an entry door alarm.
BACKGROUND MUSIC Vodavi Digital Starplus
Key telephone & phone box users may receive
music over their speaker when an optional
mUSiC source has been Conn8Ct8d t0 the system.
Th8 mUSiC can be Weed on or off and the
vdumeadjusted at each indiviiuai telephone or
phOn8 box The maximum loudness level can
be adjusted on the KSU.
StatiOnS allowed t0 make pages may mak8 VOUCH Phone boxes that are denied DND in data base
paging annOUnC8mentS to all idle stations, phone programming, can receive music through their
boxes and extemai paging ports at th8 same time. speaker.
ATTENDANT OVERFLOW Vodavi Digital Starplus
(Refer to Call Forward-Preset) System programming
allows the attendant station to b8
programmed so that if the attendant is busy or not
there, the tail will be automatically forwarded.to
another pred8t8rmin8d station after a
programmed period of time.
Any key t8f8phOn8 SUitiOn may b8 assigned as th8
system attendant. The assigned attendant will
receive unattended line recalls and will initiate
This feature can be allowed or denied on a per
station basis by programming.
A long life lithium battery is provided inside the
KSU to prevent loss of system programming in
the 8V8nt of a pOw8r Outage Or the System
power being turned off.
Privacy is automaticaily provided on all calls. The
system may be programmed to eliminate privacy,
allowing another station to join in on existing CO
An OptiOnai battery package (BBU) & cabling
can be connected to the KSU to maintain complete
system operation in the event of an AC
power failure. calls in progmss will continue
without interruption when commercial power
falls. Vodavi Digital Starplus
(outside) iin COnVerSatfOnS.
(Busy Lamp Field) Buttons programmed as station
buttons on a tei8phOn8 afS0 serve as a Busy
Lamp Field to display the status of other
telephones within the system.
Each telephone user can select the way that calls
to their phone are voice announced. By selecting
the 1°P position on the intercom signal switch, the
user can receive voice announced intercom calls
without the calling party hearing conversations in
progress. By selecting the “H” position, the user
can reply handsfree to voice announced intercom
calls. Basic model telephones cannot use the
handsfree (H) mode.
CALL FORWARD-STATION Vodavi Digital Starplus
Each key telephone user may direct intercom calls,
transferred outside lines and incoming outside
lines to be forwarded to another station in the system.
A forwarded call will signal In theTONE mode
regardless of the way the intercom signaling switch
was set. A station with calls forwarded to it can forward
its calls to another station; a call will forward
in this manner an unlimited number of times;
howeverthe last station in a chain cannot use DND.
System programming allows incoming outside
lines, that are programmed to ring a particular station,
to be forwarded to another predetermined
station after a programmed period of time. This
occurs when the station normally receiving the outside
ring is busy or does not answer the call.
Preset forward can be chained an unlimited number
of times. Each station in the system can have
a preset fotward station.
Stations can be placed in one, both or neither of 2
pickup groups. Stations within the same group
can pick up tone ringing intercom calls, recalling
or transferred CO line calls for another station, and
message wait call backs by dialing the pickup
code. Vodavi Digital Starplus
An outside line can be transferred from one keyset
toanother. By pressing the STATION button of the
desired party, or pressing the TFtANS/QUE button
and then dialing that 2 digit station number, unscreened
or screened transfers with an announcement
can be made. The line being
transferred rings on the keyset and gives a flash indication
to the receiving party’s keyset. Several attempts
can be made to find someone at different
keysets without losing the call. If a line is transferred
to a busy station, that station will receive
muted ringing. .
CAMP ON (Call Waiting)
A busy station may be alerted that an outside
line is on hold and waiting for them by pressing
the MSG/CP.ON button. The called station will
receive two muted rings, and a flashing CP.ON
button if the camp-on initiator is waiting to announce
the transfer. The busy party can press
the MSG/CP.ON button. This will automatically
place on hold any outside line he’s currently
using and allow him to converse with the campon
initiator. Vodavi Digital Starplus
Each telephone can be programmed to be allowed
or denied an appearance to individual
outside lines or a pool of outside lines.
Telephones denied this appearance can have
that line transferred to them by another station
and the call will appear on the loop button.
Any station may be programmed to ring for any
combination of lines during the day and different
stations can be programmed to ring on those
lines at night.
CO (outside) lines can be in one of up to 8
groups to separate line types such as local,
PBX, FX, etc. Stations are then individually assigned
access to these lines via either a pooled
group key or by a direct line key.
CO LINE QUEUING Vodavi Digital Starplus
When all outside (CO) lines in a group are busy,
stations can be placed on a list awaiting that line
to become available. Users are signaled when
a line becomes available. If the waiting station
is busy when the queued CO line becomes
available, the station is placed at the bottom of
the queue list. If a station doesn’t answer a
queue callback within 15 seconds it will be
dropped from the queue list.
CONFERENCE Vodavi Digital Starplus
A) Multi tine
One internal station can engage in a conference
with 2 external parties. The internal station may
place the conference on HOLD by pressing the ‘_
HOLD button. The two external parties can be 4
JULY 1989 2-2
’ .
I –
placed in an unsupervised conference by ttie initiator
pressing the CONF button.
B) Add-On Conference
TWO internai StatiOnS can engage in conference
with 1 external party or 3 internal parties can Set up
a conference. There is no limit to the number of
add-on conferences, except for the total number
of CO lines connected to the system.
(Loud Bell Control) Incoming CO line ringing can
be directed to relay controlled contacts. There are
4 sets of dry contacts that can be assigned to stations
as LBC or to CO lines for A-lead indication.
An external power source and ringing device or
other ancillary is required.
Each outside line can be individually programmed
to provide dial pulse or DTMF tone sending.
The signaling on an outside line can be changed
from dial pulse to tone (DTMF). This allows lines
set for pulse signaling to use common carriers
which require DTMF signaling. This feature can be
stored and used with speed dial numbers.
The user with a flexible button assigned as a DSS
button on his key telephone can call an intercom
station by simply pressing the appropriate DSS
button. The called station is automatically signaled.
Placing a key telephone in DND will eliminate incoming
CO line ringing, intercom calls, CO line
transfers, All Call Page announcements and
Camp-Ons. Pressing the DND button twice while
the telephone is ringing will eliminate that ringing.
The secretary in an EXECUTIVE/SECRETARY pair
can override the Executive DND by using the
Camp-On feature. A station in DND can still use
the telephone to make normal outgoing calls. A
station can be denied this feature through
In the event of commercial power failure or central
processor failure, the system will automatically
connect the first 3 outside lines to single line
telephones which have been installed for that
Four pairs of key telephones can be designated
as executive/secretary pairs. Whenever the executive
phone is in DND or busy, transferred CO
lines and intercom calls will be directed to the
secretary station. If the secretary station is
busy, busy tone will be received by the calling
party. There are 3 combinations possible:
1. 4 Executive/Secretary pairs
2.’ 1 Executive with 14 secretaries ’
3. 1 Secretary for 14 Executives
The secretary station can signal the Executive
in DND by using the Camp On feature.
Any station that is allowed access to paging can
make voice paging announcements to the external
paging port by either dlai code or direct
button access.
The external page port can be connected to a
two way paging system. Vodavi Digital Starplus
The Fiash button is used to m-establish dial tone
or to transfer a PBX call. Flash can be
programmed in speed dial for Centrex feature
The intercom number assigned to a station can
be changed without moving the telephone.
However station circuit 01 always remains the
programming station. Vodavi Digital Starplus
On the Enhanced/Executive phones there are 6
fixed feature buttons and 22 flexible buttons.
The Basic telephone has 6 fixed feature buttons
and 6 flexible buttons. The flexible buttons can
be programmed in one of the following ways:
1. Outside line – automatically access assigned
2. Multi Function Key – the station user may
program his/her own phone to have DSS/BLF,
speed dial bin, page key or mute button. ..
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